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What do they mean, and what is the differences?
And, What's 'Wildcrafted'?


USDA certification requires that all levels and practices of farming and handling procedures, such as tilling, grazing, harvesting, storing and transporting and handling must follow USDA Organic Regulations. USDA Certified is a certification system that verifies farmers or handling facilities located anywhere in the world comply with the USDA Organic Regulations. There are different levels of USDA organic certification.

100% Certified Organic means that 1. All the ingredients have been grown according to USDA's organic standards. 2. All ingredients and processing practices must be Certified Organic. 3. Products must be packaged in a Certified Organic facility. Certified Organic products must go through a process of certification by a third party to guarantee the integrity and purity of the product. Certifying requires that an inspector evaluate the facility's receiving, processing, and storage areas used for organic ingredients and finished products. Inspections are done at least once a year to maintain certification. In addition, there are random checks to assure standards are being met.

Products labeled 100% Organic must be packaged in an Inspected and Certified Organic Facility and must meet all standards for organic production and processing. 100% Organic ensures that the product is packaged in compliance with all relevant rules and regulations. Ingredients must be listed in order of weight, with the main ingredient first according to the amounts that were used to make the food, as well. 100% Organic products do not require the 3rd party testing and certification that Certified 100% Organic products do.

A 100% Organic seal insures that the crops have been grown and cultivated without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, sewage sludge, and ionizing radiation. Getting your products certified organic can cost a significant sum. There are many farms and growers that produce organically, but don't get them certified because it's too expensive to do so.

'Organic' labeled products must contain at least 95% Certified Organic ingredients to be classified as Organic. Products labeled as Organic must be packaged in a facility that is incompliance with all relevant rules and regulations for appropriate Organic labeling. Ingredients must be listed in order of weight, with the main ingredient first according to the amounts that were used to make the food, as well.

'Made with' labeled products must contain at least 70% Certified Organic ingredients. The remaining 30% do not have to be Certified Organic, but may not be ingredients grown or produced using methods that are not considered compatible with organic production. These also, must be packaged in a facility that is appropriate Organic labeling. Ingredients must be listed in order of weight, with the main ingredient first according to the amounts that were used to make the food, as well.

'Partially Organic' products can contain less than 70% Certified Organic ingredients, but may only identify as an Organic on their label's list of ingredients. They may not use the USDA Organic Seal and they may not use an Organic decal or image on their packaging. Products 'containing' organic ingredients must identify on their packaging labels which ingredients are Organic. These, like all products that are comprised of Ingredients, must list them in order of weight, with the main ingredient first according to the amounts that were used to make the food, as well.

GreenBeaks®, Inc. and Twin Beaks® Aviary meet or exceed all USDA Organic claims and labeling requirements. We operate out of an inspected facility. We store and package our products in a certified and inspected facility, using only FDA approved materials. We strictly follow all guidelines set forth by the USDA. The USDA Organic seal assures you of the quality and integrity of our organic products. We have an exclusive production section for our Certified Organic ingredients so that there is no chance of cross-contamination with non-organic ingredients. We proudly display on our packaging 100% ORGANIC and 100% Certified Organic.

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